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Adalynn Meets Aubrynn

The way the Lords weaves our stories back together will never cease to amaze me.

Lexi, like several other beautiful girls that I have photographed, was one of my cheerleaders. Now, Lexi is a teacher and her husband the boys’ PE coach.

Together, they serve our district selflessly and tirelessly.

Lexi’s little girl Adalynn is in Callie’s dance class and when Lexi brought her on Tuesday, I was just in awe of how God brought our families back together so that our girls could be friends all these years later!

And yesterday’s text made me squeal with excitement! Lexi texted me that they were getting the room ready for labor and literally less than twenty minutes later I got a second text that she was here! INCREDIBLE!

As I walked up to the waiting room to see Adalynn and hug her before she met her baby sister, I got to see her entire family there waiting anxiously to lay eyes on their newest beautiful little girl!

And as soon as her daddy opened the door, Adalynn was in love.

She loved on her, kissed her, and kept yelling, “She’s just SO t-ute (cute)!!” and “She’s just so wittle (little) and tiny!”


Needless to say, just like Lexi dreamed, they are already BFFs.

And everyone that met her felt exactly the same way.

Meet Rebecca

I am so grateful that you’re here, and honored to be included in all of these amazing moments for your families! 

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