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Beautiful Claire | Anderson, SC Senior Photographer

Claire is such a special young woman who just graduated high school in June. She not only is a friend of my family but she often times is found sitting my little ones because they love her so much. As I pondered what to write about her I decided to look up the meaning of her name. After researching it I found that CLAIR- Hebrew origin- meaning “bright or clear or famous”. What a perfect name for someone we love so dearly.

In reality, Claire is just that. I have not known a young lady at her age to be so clear about who she is and what ground she stands on.

She has a beauty about her that shines BRIGHT and definitely comes from a strong faith and belief in the one that has purpose for her steps.

I am so looking forward to seeing what is in store for sweet beautiful Claire

And I am confident she will make a huge mark on this WORLD.

We love you Claire.

Meet Rebecca

I am so grateful that you’re here, and honored to be included in all of these amazing moments for your families! 

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