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Sweet Saturday | Anderson, SC Children’s Photographer

We all love Saturday’s right? I mean it’s the weekend and you get the much needed break from the hustle and bustle of it all. Saturday’s are meant for taking it easy, having a little fun, and of course sleeping in. Agree? That all sounds awesome but today, I forfeited sleeping in, and got to chase these three cutie pies around.

Are they not the most adorable siblings you have seen? They ran, they played, and they were experts at Simon Says. Saturday’s are not complete for me if I don’t have the opportunity to snap some shots like this…

And this…

And this…

Gosh, I wish every Saturday was like this.

I got to hug her too. All three of them actually. They truly made my Saturday Sweeter.

Meet Rebecca

I am so grateful that you’re here, and honored to be included in all of these amazing moments for your families! 

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