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The Haynie Family

I posted an engagement earlier today but after tonight, I had to share this gorgeous family’s, too!

On the way to my shoots, it’s no secret, I pray. I pray throughout the day and every day I’m blown away by this gift He has given.

Tonight, I prayed for Him to show me His creativity.

We have been watching the Planet Earth series and at all He has put on this Earth.

And down to the tiny details of birds in the jungle that clean their habitats.

So tonight, I watched as He parted the clouds because I begged for the Sun.

I saw His touch in their smiles.

I witnessed His twinkle in their eyes.

I have seen His restoration of this home.

Alex, himself, created this Home to be a haven for his family and so many others.

Melissa, a nurse, opens her heart so that others are safe, comforted and loved.


And Caroline and Charlie have hearts that display this depth of love just like their parents.

What a mighty, CREATIVE God we serve.

And this family that is full of love and laughter stands by His truth.

What a beacon of Light each may be.

One Comment

  • What wonderful pictures and narrative. Just love this. Have never seen a photographer create something like this. Bravo to everyone. Caroline, you are beautiful and Charlie, you are so handsome. We’ll be seeing you in about a week and a half.

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